
icardo Iznaola's didactic works have become standard texts for the training of guitar professionals, and are used as required materials in many prestigious conservatories and universities in the U.S. and Europe. Three of these books are currently available on both sides of the Atlantic: Kitharologus - The Path to Virtuosity, On Practicing, and Summa Kitharologica, Vol. 1 (volumes 2 and 3 are currently in preparation), Mr. Iznaola's comprehensive treatise on the physiomechanical foundations of guitar technique. Mr. Iznaola has contributed many articles, essays and entries to numerous journals, encyclopedias and other publications in Europe and the Americas. Chanterelle Verlag, Mel Bay Publications and IGW distribute Mr. Iznaola's writings.

"A guitarist who truly deserves to be called Master."
Gendai Guitar Magazine"
